NOTES: For the disease control products listed below, one product trade name and formulation are provided for each active ingredient (common name) as an example of rates, preharvest interval (PHI), restricted entry interval (REI), and special instructions. In many cases, there are other products available with the same active ingredient. Please see Table 26 and Fungicides and Bactericides Alphabetically Listed by Trade Name for more information on products with the same active ingredients.
The symbol OG indicates a product is listed by the Organic Materials Review Institute (OMRI) as approved for use in organic production. See Organic Certification section for more detail.
Damping-Off, Seed Decay, Root Rot, and Stem Canker
Plant early in well-drained and well-fertilized soil. Use a 3- to 4-year rotation.
- Bacillus amyloliquefaciens strain D747 (Double Nickel LCOG): 0.5 to 4.5 pt/A; PHI 0d, REI 4 h, Group BM02. Disease suppression only. For improved control, mix or rotate with a labeled chemical fungicide.
- fludioxonil (Maxim 4FS): 0.8 to 0.16 oz/100 lb seed; REI 12h, Group 12. For protection against seedborne and soilborne fungi.
- mefenoxam (Apron XL): 0.64 to 1.28 fl oz/100 lb seed; REI 48h, Group 4 . For protection against Pythium damping-off, early-season Phytophthora (0.64 fl oz/100 lb seed), and systemic downy mildew (1.28 fl oz/100 lb seed).\
- pydiflumetofen (Trebuset): 0.31 to 0.77 fl oz/100 lb seed; REI 12h, Group 7. For Fusarium root rot. See label for restrictions and plant-back intervals.
- sedaxane (Vibrance): 0.08 to 0.16 fl oz/100 lb seed; REI 12h, Group 7. Labeled for seed decay, seedling blights, and Rhizoctonia damping-off. See label for restrictions and plant-back intervals.
- Streptomyces lydicus strain WYEC 108 (Actinovate AGOG): 1.0 to 12.0 oz/A; REI 4h, Group BM02. See label for application methods. Can be applied to seed.
- Trichoderma harzianum Rifai strain T-22: (Root Shield GranulesOG): 5.0 to 12.0 lb/A; REI 4h, Group BM02. In-furrow at time of planting.
Rhizoctonia Root Rot and Stem Canker
Rhizoctonia root rots and stem canker are caused by strains of the soilborne fungus Rhizoctonia solani that are common throughout all soils. The pathogen survives between crop seasons as sclerotia (survival structures), mycelium in the soil, or on or in infected plant debris. It is spread in infested soil or plant debris by wind, rain, irrigation water, and machinery. When soil becomes infested, the problem will persist indefinitely. Seedlings and young plants are highly susceptible to infection and disease severity is increased by low soil temperatures and soil compaction. Seed decay and damping-off can be controlled by using high-quality seed with high germination and vigor, and by practices that encourage rapid germination and emergence. Seed treatments are not effective against infections later in the season. The disease may be reduced by sowing seed as shallowly as possible in warm, moist soil. Land preparation that minimizes soil compaction and structural damage will lessen disease severity. Rotate crops with a cereal or pasture crop (avoid beets, beans, brassicas, and potatoes which can increase inoculum). Cover crops and other practices that increase organic matter and improve soil structure are recommended. Some brassica crops (mustard, rape) used as green manure have been reported to suppress Rhizoctonia. Avoid incorporating green manure immediately before planting and damaging roots by shallow cultivation. Fungicides can manage Rhizoctonia root rot on young seedlings if applied as a seed treatment or soil drench.