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NOTES: For the insecticides listed below, one product trade name and formulation is provided for each active ingredient (AI) as an example of rates, preharvest interval (PHI), restricted entry interval (REI), and special instructions. In many cases, there are other products available with the same AI. Please see Table 27 and Insecticides Alphabetically Listed by Trade Name for more information on these insecticides.

The designation (Bee: L, M, or H) indicates a bee toxicity rating of low, moderate, or high. See the Protecting Honeybees and Native Pollinators section for more details.

The symbol * indicates a product is a restricted use pesticide. See Pesticide Safety and Use for more details.

The symbol OG indicates a product is listed by the Organic Materials Review Institute (OMRI) as approved for use in organic production. See Organic Certification section for more details.

Cabbage Maggot (Delia radicum)

Cabbage maggot can be excluded from brassica crops with spunbonded row covers. Cover at seeding and seal the edges with soil to exclude the adult fly which lays eggs at the base of young radish seedlings. Do not plant into land that was planted to a brassica crop the previous year, as this pest overwinters as pupae in soils where larvae infested plants.

See the Cabbage, Broccoli, Cauliflower, and other Brassica Crops insect control section for more information about cabbage maggot.

  • cyantraniliprole (Verimark): 10 to 13.5 oz/A; PHI 0d, REI 4h, Bee: H, Group 28. For soil applications at planting. Suppression only. 


See cutworms in the Pepper and Tomato (Outdoor) sections for more information on black and variegated cutworms.

  • alpha-cypermethrin (Fastac* EC): 1.3 to 3.8 oz/A; PHI 1d, REI 12h, Bee: H, Group 3A.
  • Bacillus thuringiensis aizawai (XenTariOG): 0.5 to 1.5 lb/A; PHI 0d, REI 4h, Bee: L, Group 11. Must be ingested. Apply in evening or early morning, before larvae are actively feeding. Adherence and weather-fastness will improve with use of an approved spreader-sticker. Use high rate at cool temperatures. For resistance management, may be rotated with Bt kurstaki products (Dipel).
  • Bacillus thuringiensis kurstaki (Dipel DFOG): 0.5 to 2 lb/A; PHI 0d, REI 4h, Bee: L, Group 11. Must be ingested. Apply in evening or early morning, before larvae are actively feeding. Adherence and weather-fastness will improve with use of an approved spreader-sticker. Use high rate at cool temperatures. For resistance management, may be rotated with Bt aizawai products (XenTari).
  • beta-cyfluthrin (Baythroid* XL): 1.6 to 2.8 oz/A; PHI 0d, REI 12h, Bee: H, Group 3A.
  • bifenthrin (Brigade* 2EC): 5.1 to 6.4 oz/A; PHI 21d, REI 12h, Bee: H, Group 3A. Apply as foliar spray.
  • carbaryl (10% Sevin Granules): 20 lb/A; PHI 7d, REI 12h, Bee: H, Group 1A. Apply evenly over soil surface.
  • deltamethrin (Delta Gold*): 1 to 2.4 oz/A; PHI 3d, REI 12h, Bee: H, Group 3A.
  • methoxyfenozide (Intrepid 2F): 8 to 16 oz/A; PHI 1d, REI 4h, Bee:L, Group 18. Suppression only.
  • spinosad (SeduceOG): 20 to 44 lb/A or 0.5 to1 lb/1000 sq ft.; PHI 3d, REI 4h, Bee: M, Group 5. Spread bait on soil around plants.

Flea Beetle, Crucifer (Phyllotreta cruciferae) and Striped (P. striolata)

See the Cabbage, Broccoli, Cauliflower, and Other Brassica Crops insect control section for more details on flea beetles that attack brassica crops.

  • alpha-cypermethrin (Fastac* EC): 1.8 to 3.8 oz/A; PHI 1d, REI 12h, Bee: H, Group 3A.
  • beta-cyfluthrin (Baythroid* XL): 1.6 to 2.8 oz/A; PHI 0d, REI 12h, Bee: H, Group 3A.
  • bifenthrin (Brigade* 2EC): 5.1 to 6.4 oz/A; PHI 21d, REI 12h, Bee: H, Group 3A. Apply as foliar spray.
  • carbaryl (Sevin XLR Plus): 0.5 to 1 qt/A; PHI 7d, REI 12h, Bee: H, Group 1A.
  • deltamethrin (Delta Gold*): 1.5 to 2.4 oz/A; PHI 3d, REI 12h, Bee: H, Group 3A.
  • esfenvalerate (Asana* XL): 5.8 to 9.6 oz/A; PHI 7d, REI 12h, Bee: H, Group 3A.
  • imidacloprid (Admire Pro): 4.4 to 10.5 oz/A; PHI 21d soil, REI 12h, Bee: H, Group 4A. Soil applications only.
  • kaolin (Surround WPOG): 25 to 50 lb/A or 0.25 to 0.5 lb/gal; PHI 0d, REI 4h, Bee: L. Suppression/repellence only. Generally compatible as a tank mix with other insecticides.
  • pyrethrin (PyGanic EC5.0OG): 4.5 to 17 oz/A; 0.25 to 0.50 oz/gal, 3 gal/1000 sq ft in greenhouse for backpack sprayers; PHI 0d, REI 12h, Bee: M, Group 3A.
  • spinetoram (Radiant SC): 6 to 8 oz/A; PHI 3d, REI 4h, Bee: M, Group 5. Suppression only.
  • spinosad (Entrust SCOG): 3 to 6 oz/A; PHI 3d, REI 4h, Bee: M, Group 5.
  • thiamethoxam (Actara): 1.5 to 3 oz/A; PHI 7d, REI 12h, Bee: H, Group 4A.
  • thiamethoxam (Platinum): 5 to 6.5 oz/A; REI 12h, Bee: H, Group 4A. Use at seeding or within 24 hours of seeding as an in-furrow or narrow surface band with sufficient water for incorporation, or in drip irrigation.