Reducing the weed seedbank in beds used for salad mix production is critical, as harvesting and washing greens from weedy beds can substantially increase time and labor. Ensuring that weeds do not go to seed in these beds is critical. Using a variety of stale seedbed methods ahead of salad mix seeding can prove very helpful for in-season weed control. Salad mix is usually planted densely, and can out-compete weed growth after stale beds are used. Prepare the seedbed at least 2-3 weeks prior to planting so that weeds have adequate time to emerge, and then cultivate shallowly. Between this and crop seeding, disturb the soil as little as possible to prevent additional weed germination. Alternatively, tarping, flaming, steaming, and chemical stale seedbeds can also be effective. Glyphosate (Roundup), paraquat (Gramoxone Inteon), and pelargonic acid (Scythe) are registered for stale seedbed use.