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Estimating Vegetable Yields
Yields vary a great deal due to climate, growing conditions, soil quality, and farm management. To estimate yield in a consistent manner, one can harvest 10' of row at several locations in the field. Multiply the average yield (lb) per 10' of row times the following row spacing factors to convert the sample yields to lb/A. See Table 15 and Table 16.
Row Spacing in Inches | Multiply By |
6 | 8720 |
12 | 4360 |
15 | 3480 |
18 | 2900 |
20 | 2610 |
21 | 2490 |
24 | 2180 |
30 | 1740 |
36 | 1450 |
42 | 1240 |
48 | 1090 |
56 | 930 |
60 | 870 |
Compiled from the USDA-National Agricultural Statistics Service, New England Vegetable Report (2019-2023).
Vegetable |
Asparagus | 1,280 |
Beans, Bush and Pole | 2,240 |
Beets | 6,860 |
Broccoli | 3,311 |
Cabbage | 12,920 |
Canteloupe / Muskmelon | 7,740 |
Carrots | 11,220 |
Cauliflower | 3,660 |
Corn, sweet | 6,180 |
Cucumber | 8,880 |
Eggplant | 6,660 |
Garlic | 2,160 |
Kale / Collards | 8,260 |
Lettuce, Head | 8,160 |
Lettuce, Leaf | 5,980 |
Lettuce, Romaine | 5,180 |
Onions, Dry Bulb | 11,640 |
Onions, Green | 5,680 |
Pea, Green (fresh only) | 2,080 |
Pepper, Bell | 7,980 |
Pepper, Other | 5,680 |
Potato | 31,700 |
Pumpkin | 9,920 |
Spinach | 3,920 |
Squash, summer | 9,280 |
Squash, winter | 7,940 |
Tomato | 9,280 |
Watermelon | 12,080 |
NOTE: To convert yield per acre to yield per 100 feet of row: multiply yield per acre by the number of feet between rows and divide by 4356.