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Yields vary a great deal due to climate, growing conditions, soil quality, and farm management.  To estimate yield in a consistent manner, one can harvest 10' of row at several locations in the field. Multiply the average yield (lb) per 10' of row times the following row spacing factors to convert the sample yields to lb/A. See Table 15 and Table 16.

Table 15: Estimating Vegetable Yields

6 8720
12 4360
15 3480
18 2900
20 2610
21 2490
24 2180
30 1740
36 1450
42 1240
48 1090
56 930
60 870


Table 16: Approximate Yields



Asparagus 1,280
Beans, Bush and Pole 2,240
Beets 6,860
Broccoli 3,311
Cabbage 12,920
Canteloupe / Muskmelon 7,740
Carrots 11,220
Cauliflower 3,660
Corn, sweet 6,180
Cucumber 8,880
Eggplant 6,660
Garlic 2,160
Kale / Collards 8,260
Lettuce, Head 8,160
Lettuce, Leaf 5,980
Lettuce, Romaine 5,180
Onions, Dry Bulb 11,640
Onions, Green 5,680
Pea, Green (fresh only) 2,080
Pepper, Bell 7,980
Pepper, Other 5,680
Potato 31,700
Pumpkin 9,920
Spinach 3,920
Squash, summer 9,280
Squash, winter 7,940
Tomato 9,280
Watermelon 12,080

Compiled from the USDA-National Agricultural Statistics Service, New England Vegetable Report (2019-2023).

NOTE: To convert yield per acre to yield per 100 feet of row: multiply yield per acre by the number of feet between rows and divide by 4356.