Federal legislation requires certification of agricultural products that are labeled as organic. Producers whose gross sales of organic products are under $5,000 must know and meet the USDA National Organic Program (NOP) Regulations (https://www.ams.usda.gov/rules-regulations/organic), but are not required to seek certification. These small-scale producers are encouraged to get certified for marketing benefits. Farms selling more than $5,000 of products labeled as organic must be certified by a certifier that is accredited by the USDA NOP. See below for a list of certifying organizations in New England currently accredited by USDA.
National Organic Program Standards
Organic agriculture is based on the use of practices and inputs that enhance the physical, biological, and chemical aspects of the soil and its ability to sustain crop and animal production in an environmentally safe manner. Natural sources of crop nutrients and cultural practices that build or maintain fertility are required by the NOP standards. Organic agriculture relies on cultural practices as much as possible for pest management, but allows naturally derived pesticides when needed. In general, the use of synthetic substances for pest management is prohibited, although some synthetic materials are allowed and these are noted in Section 205.601 of the USDA NOP standards.
This guide includes information on many organic practices and materials approved by the NOP. See information on sources for crop nutrients in the Guidelines For Organic Fertility Management section. Compost use is discussed in the Fertilizers and Soil Amendments section. Approved methods of managing weeds, insects, and diseases are noted in the Integrated Pest Management section. Practices accepted by NOP standards are also included in the specific crop sections.
Organic Material Review
The grower is responsible for determining whether materials are allowed under organic standards. Sometimes this may be a challenge because some materials labeled as organic by the manufacturer may not actually meet the standards of the NOP or by a third-party organic review organization. Third-party review organizations include the Organic Materials Review Institute (OMRI), Washington State Department of Agriculture (WSDA) and California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA), all of which are recognized by the USDA NOP as organic material review organizations, though CDFA only reviews fertility inputs. These organizations publish lists of products suitable for certified organic production. These products are generally allowed, but some are regulated and subject to restrictions and may only be allowed for certain production scopes. It is the responsibility of the grower to know the restrictions on, and scope specification of, product use. In some cases, a third-party review organization may note that certain formulations of a product are permitted and others are not. The list of substances approved are subject to change. For the most up-to-date lists, visit the third-party review organizations' websites at: OMRI, WSDA, and/or CDFA. If using a product not on one of these lists, be sure to check with your certifier in advance to be certain that the materials and practices you plan to use are approved by your certifier, and that you understand any restrictions on use. In some cases, application of a material that is not approved for use in organic production could result in land needing to be re-transitioned for a three-year period.
When mentioned in tables or in crop chapters, this guide designates approved organic materials with a superscript OG (OG), which means they were "OMRI-listed" as of June 2024, when the materials were reviewed.
Accredited Organic Certifiers in New England
The following is a list of accredited regional organic certifiers that serve New England states. Note that some certifiers may limit the scope of the certification they offer; for example, some certify crops but not livestock, and some may certify farms only within a certain geographic area.
Baystate Organic Certifiers – CT, MA, ME, NH, RI, and ME
Don Franczyk
1220 Cedarwood Circle
N. Dighton, MA 02764
email: certificates@baystateorganic.org
Phone: (774) 872-5544
MOFGA Certification Services – ME and NH
Chris Grigsby
294 Crosby Brook Rd.
P.O. Box 170
Unity, ME 04988
(207) 568-6030
email: certification@mofga.org
New Hampshire Department of Agriculture - NH
Allen Wyman
Division of Regulatory Services
25 Capitol St. P.O. Box 2042
Concord, NH 03302-2042
(603) 271-7761
email: Allen.G.Wyman@agr.nh.gov
Bert Olechnowicz
834 Upper Front St.
Binghamton, NY 13905
(607) 724-9851
email: certifiedorganic@nofany.org
Vermont Organic Farmers, LLC – MA, ME, NH, and VT
Nicole Dehne
14 Pleasant St.
Richmond, VT 05477
(802) 434-3821
email: info@vermontorganic.org