Book Navigation Links Pest Management Overview: Integrated Pest Management Diagnostics for Plant Problems Pesticide Safety and Regulations Protecting Groundwater and Surface Waters Pesticide Use and Sprayer Calibration Biorational and Organic Pesticides Biorational and Selective Insecticides and Miticides (Table 22) Biological Controls for Insect Pests (Table 23) Biorational and Organic Disease Control Materials (Table 24) Microbial Disease Control Products (Table 25) Disease Management Fungicides and Bactericides Alphabetical Listing by Trade Name Information about Fungicides and Bactericides by A.I. (Table 26) Soil Fumigation Outdoors Insect Management Protecting Honeybees and Native Pollinators Insecticides Alphabetical Listing by Trade Name Insecticides and Miticides by A.I. (Table 27) Weed Management Physical Weed Management Cultural Weed Management Herbicides Herbicides Alphabetically Listed by Trade Name (Table 28) Listed Herbicides by A.I. (Table 29) Crops Labeled for each Herbicide Trade Name (Table 30) Select Weeds Controlled by Herbicide Active Ingredients According to Labels (Table 31) Vertebrate Pest Management