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The symbol OG indicates a pesticide that has been listed by the Organic Materials Review Institute (OMRI) as approved for use in organic production. REI = Re-Entry Interval expressed in hours (h). At the time of writing, all products listed were registered in at least one New England state. Check registration status in your state before using any product.

3336 F (thiophanate-methyl): A systemic fungicide with broad-spectrum control. Also labeled for greenhouse transplants. REI 12h, Group 1

42-S Thiram (thiram): A seed treatment with a wide host range. REI 24h, Group M03 

Abound F (azoxystrobin): Broad-spectrum fungicide. REI 14h, Group 11

Actigard 50 WG (acibenzolar-S-methyl): Plant defense activator used for bacterial diseases and downy mildews. REI 12h, Group P01

Actino-IronOG (Streptomyces lydicus WYEC 108 + molybdenum + iron): A biological soil and seed treatment for Fusarium, Rhizoctonia, Pythium, and Phytophthora with added iron and humic acid. May be used in greenhouse. REI 4h, Group BM02 

Actinovate AG (Streptomyces lydicus strain WYEC): Biological for greenhouse use only in vegetable crops. REI 4h, Group NC

Agclor 310 (sodium hypochlorite): A commercial bleach solution registered for use to control postharvest rots of vegetables. Group NC

Affirm WDG (polyoxin-D): Broad-spectrum fungicide for foliar and soilborne diseases. May be used in greenhouse. REI 4h, Group 19

Agri-Fos (phosphorus acid): A systemic fungicide active against Pythium, Phytophthora, Fusarium, Rhizoctonia and downy mildew. REI 4h, Group P07

Agri-Mycin 17 (streptomycin sulfate): A bactericide. REI 12h, Group 25

Aliette WDG (fosetyl Al): A fungicide active against Pythium, Phytophthora, and downy mildew. REI 12h, Group P07

Apron XL (mefenoxam): A seed treatment active against Pythium and Phytophthora seed rot and damping-off and systemic downy mildews of certain crops. REI 48h, Group 4

Aprovia Top (benzovindiflupyr + difenoconazole): For many diseases of cucurbits, legumes, peppers, tomatoes, and sweet potato. REI 12h, Groups 3 & 7

Ariston (chlorothalonil + cymoxanil): Labeled for several diseases on several crops. REI 12h (see label), Groups M5 & 27

BadgeX2OG and SC (copper oxychloride + copper hydroxide): A bactericide and fungicide. REI 24/48h (See label), Group M01

Basic Copper 53OG (basic copper sulfate): A broad-spectrum fungicide. REI 48h, Group M01

Bio-Save 10 LPOG (Pseudomonas syringae ESC-10): Labeled for postharvest decay of seed and storage of potato and sweet potato. Group NC

Bio-TamOG (Trichoderma aperellum, T. gamsii): Biological soil treatment for most crops. REI 4h, Group BM02

Blocker (4F, 10G) (PCNB): Soilborne diseases of brassicas, beans and peas, garlic, tomatoes, and pepper. REI 12h, Group 14

BotryStopOG (Ulocladium oudemansii U3 Strain): A biological control for Botrytis and Sclerotinia diseases. REI 4h, Group BM02

Bumper (propiconazole): Diseases of corn, celery, carrot, Swiss chard, and bulb crops. REI 12h, Group 3

Bravo (Weather Stik, Ultrex, ZN) (chlorothalonil): A broad-spectrum fungicide. REI 12h, Group M05

Cabrio EG (pyraclostrobin): A broad-spectrum fungicide for bulb, cucurbit, fruiting, and root vegetables. REI 12h, Group 11

Cabrio Plus (pyraclostrobin + metiram): For management of certain diseases of potato. REI 24h, Groups 11 & M03

Cabrio Team (pyraclostrobin + dimethomorph): For potato diseases. REI 12h, Groups 11 & 40

Camelot OOG (copper soap): Copper product labeled for greenhouse use on vegetable transplants. REI 4h, Group M01

Cannonball WG (fludioxonil): For management of Sclerotinia, Botrytis and other pathogens on various vegetables. REI 12h, Group 12

Catamaran (potassium phosphite + chlorothalonil): broad-spectrum fungicide and plant activator. REI 12h, Groups P07 & M05

CeaseOG (Bacillus subtilis QST 713): Biological protectant fungicide. REI 4h, Group BM02

Champ WGOG (copper hydroxide): Broad-spectrum fungicide and bactericide. REI 48h, Group M01

Champ (Dry Prill, Formula 2F) (copper hydroxide): Broad-spectrum fungicide and bactericide. REI 24/48h, Group M01

ChampION++OG (copper hydroxide): Copper fungicide. REI 48h, Group M01

CompanionOG (Liquid, WP) (Bacillus subtilis strain GB03): Biological fungicide. REI 4h, Group BM02

Companion Maxx WP (Bacillus subtilis strain ENV503): A biological fungicide. REI4 h, Group BM02

Contans WGOG (Coniothyrium minitans): For Sclerotinia sclerotiorum and Sclerotinia minor diseases. (Bayer formula not labeled for tomato). REI 12h, Group NC

Convergence (Bacillus amyloliquefaciens strain D747): A broad-spectrum biological preventive product labeled for corn and legume vegetables. REI 4h, Group BM02. 

CuevaOG (copper octanoate): A broad-spectrum fungicide and bactericide. REI 4h, Group M01

Cuprofix Ultra 40 Disperss (basic copper sulfate): A broad-spectrum fungicide. REI 48h, Group M01

Cuproxat, Cuproxat FLOG (basic copper sulfate): A broad-spectrum fungicide. REI 48h, Group M01

Curzate 60 DF (cymoxanil): For late blight of potato and tomato and downy mildews of cucurbits and lettuce. REI 12h, Group 27

Custodia (azoxystrobin + tebuconazole): A broad-spectrum fungicide labeled for foliar diseases of corn and some bulb vegetables. REI 12h, Groups 3 & 11

DiTera DFOG (Myrothecium verrucaria Strain AARC-0255): For management of plant parasitic nematodes. REI 4h, Group NC

Dithane (M-45, F-45 Rainshield) (mancozeb): A broad-spectrum, protectant fungicide. REI 24h, Group M03

Decree 80 WDG (fenhexamid): Botrytis control in greenhouse transplants. REI 12h, Group 17

Dexter Maxx (mancozeb + azoxystrobin): a broad-spectrum fungicide. REI 24h, Groups M03 & 11

Double NickelOG (55, LC) (Bacillus amyloliquefaciens strain D474): Microbial fungicide. REI 4h, Group BM02

Dynasty (azoxystrobin): A broad-spectrum seed treatment fungicide for seedborne diseases. REI 4h, Group 11

Echo (90DF, 720) (chlorothalonil): A broad-spectrum fungicide. REI 12h, Group M05

EcoSwingOG (extract of Swinglea glutinosa): Preventive biological fungicide for Alternaria leaf spot, Botrytis, and powdery mildew on many crops. Also labeled for greenhouse use. Activates ISR (induced systemic resistance). REI 4h, Group BM01

Elantus (azoxystrobin + benzovindiflupyr): For suppression of certain soilborne diseases in potatoes. REI 12h, Groups 11 &7

Elumin (ethaboxam): For management of oomycetes of brassicas, cucurbits, and solanaceous vegetables. REI 12h, Group 22.

Emblem (fludioxonil): For greenhouse use only on plants and transplants of listed crops. REI 12h, Group 12

Endura (boscalid): A protectant fungicide for legumes, brassicas, bulb vegetables, fruiting vegetables, lettuce, and root and tuber vegetables. REI 12h, Group 7

Equus 720 SST (chlorothalonil): A broad-spectrum fungicide. REI 12h, Group M05

Flint (trifloxystrobin): A strobilurin fungicide with broad-spectrum activity. REI 12h, Group 11

Fontelis (penthiopyrad): A fungicide with broad host clearance for leaf spots, blights, anthracnose, and Sclerotinia diseases. REI 12h, Group

Forum (dimethomorph): A fungicide for use against Phytophthora and downy mildew of bulb, cucurbit and fruiting vegetables, lettuce, potatoes, and tomatoes. REI 12h, Group 40

Fosphite (potassium salts of phosphorus acid): A fungicide active against Pythium, Phytophthora, and downy mildews. REI 4h, Group P07

Gavel 75 DF (zoxamide + mancozeb): A broad-spectrum protectant fungicide for disease control in potatoes, cucurbits, and tomatoes. REI 48h, Groups 22 & M03

GEM 500 SC (trifloxystrobin): broad-spectrum fungicide. REI 12h, Group 11

Guarda (thyme oil): A botanical product for certain fungal and bacterial diseases. REI 0h, Group NC

Headline, Headline SC (pyraclostrobin): A broad-spectrum strobilurin fungicide for use in legumes, corn, tuberous, and corm vegetables. REI 12h, Group 11

Headline AMP (pyraclostrobin + metconazole): For diseases of corn. REI 12h, Groups 11 & 3

Heritage (azoxystrobin): Preventative and curative broad-spectrum fungicide. See supplemental label for use on vegetable transplants grown in the greenhouse. REI 4h, Group 11

HowlerOG, Howler EVOOG (Pseudomonas chlororaphis strain AFS009): Active on a wide range of soil and foliar diseases. May be used in greenhouse. REI 4h, Group BM02

Incognito (4.5 F, 85 WDG) (thiophanate-methyl): A systemic fungicide with broad-spectrum control. REI varies with crop; See label. Group 1.

Initiate (720, ZN) (chlorothalonil): A broad-spectrum fungicide. REI 12h, Group M05

Inspire Super (difenoconazole + cyprodinil): For powdery mildew. REI 12h, Groups 3 & 9

Iprodione 4L AG (iprodione): For Alternaria, BotrytisSclerotinia, and Rhizoctonia diseases, in beans, broccoli, carrots, dry bulb onions, and lettuce, and white rot of garlic. REI 24h, Group 2

JMS Stylet-Oil, Organic JMS Stylet-OilOG (paraffinic oil): Protection against fungal diseases and aphid-transmitted viruses. Also labeled for greenhouse use. REI 4h, Group NC

KaligreenOG (potassium bicarbonate): Powdery mildew and other foliar diseases. REI 4h, Group NC

KalmorOG (copper hydroxide): A broad-spectrum bactericide and fungicide. REI 24/48h, Group M01

Kentan DF (copper hydroxide): A broad-spectrum bactericide and fungicide. REI 48h, Group M01

K-Phite 7LP (phosphorus acid): a systemic fungicide and bactericide for Pythium, Phytophthora, and downy mildew; also labeled for greenhouse transplant production. REI 4h, Group P07

Kocide (2000, 2000 OOG, 3000, 3000 OOG) (copper hydroxide): A broad-spectrum bactericide and fungicide. REI 48h, Group M01

Kumulus DFOG (sulfur): broad-spectrum fungicide, particularly for powdery mildew. REI 24h, Group M02.

LifeGard (LCOG, WGOG) (Bacillus mycoides isolate J):A preventive biological plant activator for use outdoor or in covered structures. REI 4h, Group P06

Luna Experience (fluopyram + tebuconazole): For control and suppression of fungal diseases of various vegetables. REI 12h, Groups 3 & 7

Luna Flex (fluopyram + difenoconazole): For control and suppression of fungal diseases of various vegetables. REI 12h, Groups 7 & 3 

Luna PRO (fluopyram + prothioconazole): For fungal diseases of potatoes. REI 12h, Groups 7 & 3 

Luna Sensation (fluopyram + trifloxystrobin): For management of foliar and soilborne diseases of several crops. REI 12h, Groups 7 & 11

Luna Tranquility (fluopyram + pyrimethanil): For fungal diseases of potato. REI 12h, Groups 7 & 9

ManKocide (mancozeb + copper hydroxide): A broad-spectrum fungicide and bactericide. REI 48h, Groups M03 & M01

Manzate (Max, Pro-Stick) (mancozeb): A broad-spectrum fungicide. REI 24h, Group M03

MasterCop (copper sulfate pehtahydrate): A broad-spectrum fungicide and bactericide. REI 48h, Group M01

Maxim 4FS (fludioxonil): A seed treatment fungicide for seedborne and soilborne fungi of several vegetable crops. REI 12h, Group 12

Maxim MZ (fludioxonil + mancozeb): A seed treatment fungicide for certain diseases of potato. REI 24h, Group 12 & M03

Maxim PSP (fludioxonil): A seed treatment fungicide for certain diseases of potato. REI 12h, Group 12

MeloCon (LCOG,WGOG) (Purpureocillium lilacinum strain 251): For transplant treatment with broad activity against various plant parasitic nematodes. REI 4h, Group NC 

Merivon Xemium (fluaxapoxad + pyraclostrobin): For fungal diseases including powdery mildew. REI 12h, Groups 7 & 11

Mertect 340-F (thiabendazole ): A seed treatment for fungal seedborne and soilborne diseases. REI 12h, Group 1

Mettle 125 ME (tetraconazole): A systemic fungicide labeled for various fruiting vegetables and cucurbits. REI 12h, Group 3 

Micora (mandipropamid): Oomycete fungicide labeled for greenhouse use (limited to structures with permanent flooring ONLY). REI 4h, Group 40

Microthiol DisperssOG (sulfur): A protectant fungicide particularly useful for powdery mildew. May be used in greenhouse. REI 24h, Group M02

Microfine SulfurOG (sulfur): A protectant fungicide particularly useful for powdery mildew. REI 24h, Group M02

Micro SulfOG (sulfur): A protectant fungicide particularly useful for powdery mildew. May be used in greenhouse. REI 24h, Group M02

Mildew CureOG (cottonseed, corn, and garlic oils): For powdery mildew management. REI 0h. Group NC

MilStop SPOG (potassium bicarbonate): For powdery mildew and other foliar diseases of greenhouse crops. REI 12h, Group NC

Miravis Prime (pydiflumetofen + fludioxonil): A preventive fungicide labeled for various fruiting vegetables, cucurbits, and potatoes. REI 12h, Groups 7 & 12

M-PedeOG (potassium salts of fatty acids): For powdery mildew management, labeled for greenhouse use. REI 12h, Group NC

Moncoat MZ (flutolanil + mancozeb): Potato seed piece treatment for late blight. REI 24h, Groups 7 & M03

Moncut SC (flutolanil): For control of soilborne diseases of brassicas and potatoes. REI 12h, Group 7

Monsoon (tebuconazole): A broad-spectrum foliar fungicide with curative and preventive action. REI 12h, Group 3            

Mural (azoxystrobin + benzovindiflupyr): Broad-spectrum fungicide for foliar applications for greenhouse-grown vegetable transplants grown for resale to consumers. NOT for transplants intended for commercial field use. REI 12h, Groups 11 & 7

MycoStopOG (Streptomyces griseoviridis K61): Biological seed or soil treatment. REI 4h, Group BM02

NemaClean 10% WPOG (Purpureocillium lilacinum strain PL11): For management of plant parasitic nematodes. REI 12h, Group NC 

Nevado 4F (iprodione): For Alternaria, Botrytis, RhizoctoniaSclerotinia, and Stemphylium diseases in beans, broccoli, carrots, brassicas, dry bulb onions, potatoes, and lettuce, and white rot of garlic. REI 24h, Group 2

Nordox 75 WGOG (cuprous oxide): A broad-spectrum fungicide and bactericide. REI 12h, Group M01

Nu-Cop (3L, 50DFOG, 50WPOG, HBOG) (copper hydroxide): Copper fungicide and bactericide. Some formulations may be applied in greenhouse. REI 24/48h, Group M01

Nutrol (potassium dihydrogen phosphate): Protectant fungicide for powdery mildew. REI 4h, Group P07

Nufarm T-Methyl (70WSB, SPC4.5F) (thiophanate-methyl): A systemic fungicide with broad-spectrum control. REI varies with crop; see label, Group 1

ObtegoOG (Trichoderma aperellum strain ICC012 + T. gamsii strain ICC 080): Biological soil treatment for most crops. REI 4h, Group BM02

Omega 500F (fluazinam): Phytophthora, downy mildew, leaf spots, Sclerotina and Sclerotium diseases; late blight and white mold of potatoes. REI 48h, Group 29

Omega Top MP (fluazinam): For management of late blight and white mold of potatoes. REI 12h, Group 29

Organocide 3-in-1 Garden SprayOG (sesame oil): Broad-spectrum biofungicide. Group NC

Orius 3.6F (tebuconazole): For onion diseases, rusts, powdery mildews, and other fungal diseases of select crops. REI (varies with crop, see label), Group 3

Orondis Opti Premix (chlorothalonil + oxathiapiprolin): A systemic and contact fungicide for diseases of potatoes, cucurbits, and fruiting vegetables. REI 12h, Groups M05 & 49

Orondis OD (Ultra A, Gold 200, Opti A) (oxathiapiprolin): For Phytophthora diseases and downy mildew in several crops. REI 4h, Group 49

Orondis Ultra (oxathiapiprolin + mandipropamid): Phytophthora diseases and downy mildew in several crops. REI 4h, Groups 49 & 40

OSO 5% SCOG (polyoxin D zinc salt): Broad-spectrum fungicide for foliar and soilborne diseases. REI 4h, Group 19

OxiDate 2.0OG (hydrogen dioxide + peroxyacetic acid): Preventive biocide. REI 0/1h (see label), Group NC

OxiPhos (phosphorus acid + hydrogen peroxide): Broad-spectrum preventive biocide. REI 4h, Group P07

Pageant TR Intrinsic (pyraclostrobin + boscalid): For diseases of greenhouse-grown cucurbits, fruiting vegetables, and leafy greens; and cucurbit, fruiting vegetable, and leafy green transplants for the home consumer market only (NOT for transplants for commercial field production). REI 12h, Groups 7 & 11

Penncozeb (75DF, 80WP) (mancozeb): A broad-spectrum fungicide. REI 24h, Group M03

PhD (polyoxin D zinc salt): Broad-spectrum fungicide for foliar and soilborne diseases of various vegetables. REI 4h, Group 19

Phyton 35 (copper sulfate): Broad-spectrum fungicide and bactericde. Labeled for greenhouse use on vegetable transplants. REI 48/24h (see label), Group M01

Phostrol (phosphorus acid): A fungicide for Pythium, Phytophthora, and downy mildew. REI 4h, Group P07

Polyram 80 DF (metiram): For early and late blight in potatoes. REI 12h, Group M03

Potato Seed Treater 6% (mancozeb): Potato seed piece treatment for Fusarium dry rot. REI 24h, Groups M03

Presidio 4SC (fluopicolide): A locally systemic fungicide effective against Phytophthora and downy mildews of bulb, cucurbit, fruiting, and leafy vegetables. REI 12h, Group 43

PreStop WGOG (Clonostachys rosea J1446): Preventative biological fungicide that can be incorporated into media, applied as a drench or as a foliar spray. REI 4h, Group NC

Previcur Flex (propamocarb): A fungicide for oomycetes. Previcur should be mixed with Bravo, Maneb, or Mancozeb to prevent development of resistance. REI 12h, Group 28

Priaxor Xemium (fluxapyroxad + pyraclostrobin): For disease control and in beans, tomato, peas, potato, and corn. REI 12h, Groups 7 & 11

Pristine (boscalid + pyraclostrobin): For use in bulb vegetables, carrots, cucurbits, and celery. REI 12h, Groups 7 & 11

Procure 480SC (triflumizole): Powdery mildew on brassica, cucurbits, and leafy vegetables. REI 12h, Group 3

Proline 480SC (prothioconazole): For diseases of corn, cucurbits, peas, and beans. REI 12h, Group 3

ProPhyte (phosphorus acid): Labeled for Pythium, Phytophthora, downy mildew. REI 4h, Group P07

PropiMax EC (propiconazole): Broad-spectrum fungicide for diseases of alliums, corn, carrot, table beet, and leafy and petiole vegetables. REI 12h, Group 3

PVentOG (Clonostachys rosea J1446): Preventative biological fungicide that can be incorporated into media or applied as a drench or as a foliar spray. REI 4h, Group BM02.

PVent Microbial WP (Clonostachys rosea strain J1446): Labeled for various seedborne and soilborne diseases. May be used in greenhouse. REI 12h, Group 3

Quadris (azoxystrobin): A strobilurin fungicide with broad-spectrum activity. REI 4h, Group 11

Quadris Opti (azoxystrobin + chlorothalonil): broad-spectrum fungicide for dry beans, cucurbit vegetables, potatoes, tomatoes, and onions. REI 12h, Groups 11 & M5

Quadris Ridomil Gold (azoxystrobin + mefenoxam): Labeled for potatoes only. REI 0h, Groups 11 & 4

Quadris Top (azoxystrobin + difenoconazole): broad-spectrum fungicide. REI 12h, Groups 11 & 3

Quash SC (metraconazole): For managment of several diseases, including white mold in beans, potato and sweet potato. REI 12h, Group 3

Quilt Xcel (azoxystrobin + propiconazole): A broad-spectrum fungicide for use in carrots, celery, corn, and bulb crops. REI 12h, Groups 11 & 3

Quintec (quinoxyfen): Fungicide for control of powdery mildew in cucurbits. REI 12h, Group 13

Rally 40 SWP (myclobutanil): A fungicide for powdery mildews and rusts of vegetable crops. REI 24h, Group 3

Rampart (phosphorus acid): Labeled for Pythium, Phytophthora, downy mildew, and some foliar diseases. May be used in greenhouse. REI 4h, Group P07

Ranman 400SC (cyazofamid): Effective against Phytophthora and downy mildew in cucurbits, tomatoes, bulb crops, and potatoes. REI 12h, Group 21

Reason 500 SC (femadione): A fungicide for use against Phytophthora, downy mildew, and white rust on tuberous and corm vegetables, tomatoes, bulb vegetables, lettuce, and cucurbit vegetables. REI 12h, Group 11

RegaliaOG (extract of Reynoutria sachalinensis) : Plant defense activator for fungal and bacterial diseases. REI 4h, Group P05

Reveille (phosphorus acid): Labeled for Pythium, Phytophthora, and downy mildew of various vegetables. REI 4h, Group P07

Resist 57 (phosphorus acid): A systemic fungicide labeled for Pythium, Phytophthora, Fusarium, Rhizoctonia, downy mildew of various crops, and silver scurf in potatoes. May be used in greenhouse. REI 4h, Group P07

Revus (mandipropamid): For use against downy mildew, late blight, and Phytophthora blight. REI 4h, Group 40

Revus Top (mandipropamid + difenoconazole): A broad-spectrum fungicide for potatoes and tomatoes. REI 12h, Groups 3 & 40

Rhyme (flutriafol): Labeled for several diseases on brassica, cucurbit, and fruiting vegetables. REI 12h, Group 3

Ridomil Gold (SL, GR) (mefenoxam): A fungicide active against Pythium, Phytophthora, and downy mildews. REI 48h, Group 4

Ridomil Gold Bravo SC (mefenoxam + chlorothalonil): A broad-spectrum fungicide containing 4.4% metalaxyl and 72% chlorothalonil effective against both oomycetes and true fungi. REI 48h, Groups 4 & M05

Ridomil Gold MZ WG (mefenoxam + mancozeb): A broad-spectrum fungicide containing 8% metalaxyl and 64% mancozeb effective against both oomycetes and true fungi. REI 48h, Groups 4 & M03

Ridomil Gold Copper (mefenoxam + copper hydroxide): A broad-spectrum fungicide containing 4.8% metalaxyl and 60% copper hydroxide effective against both lower and true fungi. REI 48h, Groups 4 & M01

RootShield (GranulesOG, WPOG) (Trichoderma harzianum Strain T-22): Biological soil treatment. REI 0h, Group NC

RootShield Plus (WPOG, GranulesOG) (Trichoderma harzianum Strain T-22 + T. virens Strain G-41): A biological fungicide for foliar and soil treatments. REI 0h, Group BM02

Roper (DF, DF Rainshield) (mancozeb): A broad-spectrum fungicide. REI 24h, Groups M03

Rovral 4F (iprodione): For Alternaria, Botrytis, Rhizoctonia, Sclerotinia, and Stemphylium diseases in broccoli, carrots, dry bulb onions, potatoes, and beans, and white rot of garlic. REI 24h, Group 2

Scala SC (pyrimethanil): Protective fungicide for bulb, tuberous, and corm vegetables. REI 12h, Group 9

Segovis (oxathiapiprolin): Labeled for downy mildew and Phytophthora. May be used in greenhouse and outdoor growing structures. REI 4h, Group 49

Serenade (ASOOG, OptiOG, SoilOG, MaxOG) (Bacillus subtilis QST 713): Biological protectant fungicide. REI 4h, Group BM02

Sil Matrix LCOG (potassium silicate): A broad-spectrum preventive fungicide. REI 4h, Group NC

SonataOG (Bacillus pumilus QST 2808): Biological protectant fungicide. REI 3h, Group BM02

SoilgardOG (Gliocladium birens strain GL-21, 12%): Labeled for damping-off and root rot management as soil or media treatment. May be used in greenhouse. REI 0h, Group NC

Sovran (kresoxim-methyl): For powdery mildew and gummy stem blight in cucurbits. REI 12h, Group 11

Spirato GHN (fludioxonil): For greenhouse use only on plants and transplants of listed crops. REI 12h, Group 12

Sporan EC2 (rosemary, clove, peppermint, and thyme oils): Contact fungicide with broad crop clearance. REI 0h, Group NC

StargusOG (Bacillus amyloliquefaciens F727): Broad-spectrum preventive biological fungicide for bacterial spot and blights, Botrytis blight, late blight, damping off and root rots, and downy mildew (depending upon crops, see label). REI 4h, Group BM02

Stratego, Stratego YLD (propiconazole + trifloxystrobin): For diseases of corn. REI 12h, Groups 3 & 11

Subdue MAXX (mefenoxam): For greenhouse-grown transplants for retail sale to consumers. For downy mildew, and soilborne Pythium and Phytophthora diseases. NOT for transplants grown for commercial field use. REI 0/48h (see label), Group 4

Suffoil-XOG (mineral oil): Fungicide, insecticide, and miticide labeled for greenhouse transplant production. REI 4h, Group NC

Sulfur (various formulations) (sulfur): For powdery mildew and rusts of select crops. REI 24h, Group M02

Super Tin 80 WP (triphenyltin hydroxide): For early blight and late blight of potato. Restricted-use pesticide. REI 48h, Group 30

Switch 62.5 WG (cyprodinil + fludioxonil): A protective fungicide for use in beans, brassica, carrot, herbs, leafy vegetables, and onions. REI 12h, Groups 9 & 12

Taegro 2.0 (Bacillus subtilis var. amyloliquefaciens FZB24): Biological for soilborne diseases in cucurbits, leafy vegetables, and fruiting vegetables. REI 4h, Group BM02

Tanos (famoxadone + cymoxanil): A penetrant fungicide with locally systemic and curative activities against downy mildews and late blight. REI 12h, Groups 11 & 27

Terraclor 400 (PCNB): A fungicide active against soilborne true fungi. Labeled for greenhouse transplant production. REI 12h, Group 14

Tilt (propiconazole): A protective fungicide for diseases of beans, beets, carrots, celery, onions, and corn. REI 24h, Group 3

Topguard (flutriafol): Labeled for some cucurbits and fruiting vegetables. REI varies with crop; see label, Group 3

Topguard EQ (azoxystrobin + flutriafol): Foliar diseases of brassicas, cucurbits, leafy, and fruiting vegetables. REI 12h, Groups 11 & 3

Topsin (4.5FL, MWSB) (thiophanate-methyl): A systemic fungicide with broad-spectrum control. REI varies with crop; see label, Group 1

Torino (cyflufenamid): For management of powdery mildew of cucurbits and certain fruiting vegetables. REI 4h, Group U06

Trebuset (pydiflumetofen): A broad-spectrum seed treatment fungicide labeled for certain legume vegetables. REI 12 H, Group 7

Triathlon BAOG (Bacillus amyloliquefaciens D747): A broad-spectrum microbial fungicide and bactericide. May be used in greenhouse. REI 4h, Group BM02

TrilogyOG (neem oil extract): Labeled for various fungal diseases. REI 4h, Group NC

Trionic 4SC (triflumazole): Powdery mildew and Alternaria. Also labeled for greenhouse use. REI 12h, Group 3

Trivapro (benzovindiflupyr + azoxystrobin + propiconazole): Labeled for corn diseases. REI 12h, Groups 3 & 7 & 11

Ultra Flourish (mefenoxam): A fungicide active against Pythium, Phytophthora, and downy mildew in various vegetable crops. REI 48h, Group 4

Vacciplant (laminarian): A broad-spectrum suppressant fungicide. May be used in greenhouse and pre-plant dip or soil drench. REI 4h, Group P04

Vangard WG (cyprodinil): For management of diseases of onions. REI 12h, Group 9

Velum Prime (fluopyram): A broad-spectrum fungicide and nematicide for use as a soil treatment. REI 12h, Group 7

Velum Rise (fluopyram + penflufen): Labeled for soilborne diseases of potatoes. Has nematicidal action. REI 12h, Group 7.

Vibrance (sedaxane): A seed treatment against seedling blight and damping off diseases. REI 12 h, Group 7

Vivando (metrafenone): For management of powdery mildew on cucurbits and fruiting vegtables. REI 12h, Group 50

ZeroTol 2.0OG (hydrogen dioxide): Preventive biocide labeled for greenhouse use. REI 0/1h (see label), Group NC

Zampro (ametoctradin + dimethomorph):A fungicide for downy mildew and Phytophthora diseases of potatoes, brassica, cucurbit, fruiting, bulb, and leafy vegetables. REI 12h, Groups 40 & 45

Ziram (76DF, Excel) (ziram): For use on tomatoes for anthracnose, Septoria leaf spot, and early blight. Do not use on cherry tomatoes. REI 48h, Group M03

Zing! (zoxamide + chlorothalonil): For management of diseases of cucurbits, garlic, onions, potatoes, and tomatoes. REI 12h, Groups 22 & M05