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Fungicide Target Diseases Labeled Crops Comments
(Heritage) REI 4h, Group 11
Leaf spots and blights, downy mildew, Botrytis blight, powdery mildew (depending upon crop, see label). Brassica crops, bulb vegetables, cucurbits, leafy vegetables, and fruiting vegetable transplants. Preventative and curative broad-spectrum fungicide.
azoxystrobin & benzovindiflupyr
(Mural) REI 12h, Group 11 & 7
Leaf spots and blights, downy mildew, powdery mildew, Rhizoctonia stem rot (depending upon crops, see label). Vegetable transplants grown for resale to consumers: cucurbits and fruiting vegetables. Broad-spectrum fungicides with preventative, systemic, and curative properties . Use as foliar spray for plants grown for resale to consumers.
Bacillus amyloliquefaciens D747
(Triathlon BAOG)
REI 4h, Group BM02
Fungal & bacterial leaf spots and blights, downy mildew, powdery mildew, damping-off (Pythium, Rhizoctonia, Fusarium, Phytophthora) (depending upon the crops, see labels). Brassica crops, bulb, cucurbit, fruiting and leafy vegetable transplants. Broad-spectrum, preventative biological fungicide/bactericide. Begin foliar applications at plant emergence. See label for other application methods. 

Bacillus amyloliquefaciens ENV503(Companion Maxx WP OG) REI 4h, Group BM02

Fungal and bacterial leaf spots, powdery mildew, damping-off.  Vegetable transplants in the greenhouse.  Preventive biological fungicide/bactericide for control and suppression of soil and foliar diseases. Activates ISR (induced systemic resistance). 

Bacillus amyloliquefaciens F727 (StargusOG) REI 4h, Group BM02

Bacterial and fungal leaf spot & blights, Botrytis blight, late blight, damping-off and root rots, downy mildew (depending upon crops, see label).  Bulb, cucurbit, fruiting, leafy brassica crops (including transplants). Broad-spectrum preventive biological fungicide/bactericide for growing media or foliar applications. Activates ISR (induced systemic resistance). 

Bacillus subtilis QST 713
(CEASE OG) REI 4h, Group BM02 

Fungal and bacterial leaf spots, powdery mildew, Botrytis blight, downy mildew, Sclerotinia spp., (depending upon crop, see label).  Brassica crops, bulb, cucurbit, leafy and fruiting vegetable transplants. Broad-spectrum, preventative biological fungicide/bactericide. Begin applications when conditions in the greenhouse favor disease development. or at planting (depending upon crop). See label.

basic copper sulfate (Cuprofix Ultra 40 Disperss, Cuproxat), REI 24/48 h, Group M01

Leaf spots and blights, downy mildew, late blight on tomatoes, bacterial spot (depending upon crop, see label).  Cucumber, eggplant, pepper, and tomato transplants.  Preventive, contact fungicides. Crops grown in the greenhouse may be more sensitive to copper injury so the user should determine plant sensitivity. Observe for 7-10 days for symptoms of injury. 

boscalid & pyraclostrobin (Pageant Intrinsic), REI 12h, Group 7 & 11

Leaf spots and blights, downy mildew, powdery mildew, crown and basal rots, damping-off, downy mildew, and Botrytis blight.  Specified vegetable transplants for the home consumer market: cucurbit, fruiting and leafy green vegetable transplants.  Preventive, broad-spectrum fungicides. Pyraclostrobin has local systemic activity and translaminar activity. Do not use in agricultural production fields. 
Clonostachys rosea J1446 (LALSTOP G46OG) REI 4h, Group BM02 Damping off, root and stem rots (Alternaria, Fusarum, Pythium, Phytophthora, Rhizoctonia), botrytis and powdery mildew. Cucurbit, fruiting, brassica leafy and leafy vegetable transplants.  Preventive biological fungicide that can be incorporated into the media or applied as a drench or foliar spray. 

copper hydroxide (KalmorOG, Kocide 2000-OOG ) REI 24/48h, Group M01


Leaf spots, anthracnose, bacterial spots, downy mildew, late blight, and other diseases (see label). Many vegetable transplants such as cucumber, eggplant, pepper, and tomato.  Protectant, contact bactericides/fungicides. See label for plant safety information. 
copper octanoate (Camelot OOG, GrottoOG), REI 4h, Group MO1 Bacterial and fungal leaf spots, powdery mildew, downy mildew, early blight, late blight, and others (depending upon crop, see label). 
Brassica crops, cucurbit, lettuce, onion, tomato, eggplant, and pepper transplants. 
Contact bactericides/fungicides. See label for specific usage instructions and plant safety information. 

copper oxychloride & copper hydroxide

(Badge X2OG, Badge SC) REI 24/48h, Group M01

Bacterial and fungal leaf spots and blights (depending upon crop, see label). Cucumber, eggplant, pepper, and tomato transplants.  Contact bactericides/fungicides. Badge X2 is a low load dry copper formulation that is a mixture of two high purity copper salts (copper oxychloride and copper hydroxide). Badge SC is a liquid formulation. See label for plant safety information. 

copper sulfate pentahydrate
(Phyton 35), REI 48/24 h, Group M01

Fungal and bacterial leaf spots (see label for specific types and crops), downy mildews, powdery mildews, Botrytis blight, late blight on tomato. Brassica crops, cucurbits, eggplant, pepper, and tomato transplants. Systemic, preventative, and curative bactericide/fungicide. Thorough coverage needed. See label for plant safety information. 

cyazofamid (Ranman 400SC, Segway O)

REI 12h, Group 21

Ranman 400SC: Pythium damping-off on tomato, downy mildew on herbs in the greenhouse. Segway O: Pythium damping-off on tomato and pepper transplants, Phytophthora blight, crown and root rots on pepper transplants, downy mildew on herbs.

Ranman 400SC: Basil and tomato transplants. Segway O: tomato and pepper transplants.

Locally systemic fungicides. Apply as a drench. See label for surfactant use restrictions. 
cyprodinil & fludioxonil (Palladium), REI 12h, Group 9 & 12 

Brassica crops, cucurbits, herbs and fruiting vegetables. 

Damping off (Pythium spp.), crown rot (Phytophthora spp.), powdery mildew, downy mildew, leaf spots, and leaf blights.

Vegetable transplants grown for retail sale to consumers including brassicas, cucurbits, and fruiting vegetables.  Combination of protectant fungicides with contact and systemic activity. Do not apply to plants grown for commercial food production. 
difenoconazole & pydiflumetofen (Postiva) REI 12h, Group 3 & 7 

For control of various leaf spots, blights, and powdery mildew. 

For suppression of anthracnose, gray mold, and white mold. See label.

Cucurbit and fruiting vegetable (tomato, eggplant and peppers) transplants grown for retail sale to consumers, not for commercial vegetable production. Broad spectrum, preventive, and systemic fungicide. 

(Decree 50 WDG), REI 12h, Group 17

Botrytis blight. Tomatoes, eggplant, peppers, cucumber, leafy greens (except spinach) transplants.  Preventative, translaminar fungicide. Do not apply in vegetable agricultural fields.

(Spirato GHN), REI 12h, Group 12


Leaf spots and blights, powdery mildew, Botrytis blight (depending upon crop, see label).  Cucurbit, leafy brassicas, leafy and fruiting vegetable transplants. Protectant fungicide for certain vegetable transplants. Not for field vegetable production use. 
Gliocladium virens GL-21 (SoilGardOG), REI 4h, Group BM02 Damping-off (Pythium, Rhizoctonia, Phytophthora, and Fusarium).  Various vegetable transplants.  Preventive biological fungicide applied before transplanting into the field. 

hydrogen peroxide & peroxyacetic acid 
(ZeroTol 2.0OG), REI 1h (spray)

Botrytis, downy mildew, powdery mildew, some leaf spots and blights, and root rots (see label). Cucurbit, fruiting and leafy vegetables transplants.  Contact fungicide. Strong oxidizing agent. See label for plant safety information. 
hydrogen peroxide & hydrogen dioxide (PERPose PlusOG), REI 1/0 h  Bacterial leaf spot, powdery mildew, downy mildew, Botrytis blight.  Vegetable crops in greenhouses  Works by contact. Strong oxidizing agent. Do not apply in dry, extremely hot conditions. Do not combine with any other pesticide or fertilizer. 

insecticidal soap potassium salts of fatty acids (Kopa Insecticidal SoapOG, M-PedeOG), REI 12h

Powdery mildew.  Cucurbit, fruiting and leafy vegetable transplants and others (see label).  Contact fungicides. Short residual activity. See label for plant safety information. 

mancozeb (Protect DF), REI 24h, Group M03

Anthracnose, fungal leaf spots and blights, downy mildew, late blight (depending upon crop, see label). Cucumber, melon, squash, and tomato transplants. Contact, protectant fungicide. Not for field vegetable production. 
(Micora), REI 4h, Group 40
Downy mildew, Phytophthora blight (suppression), basil downy mildew, late blight on tomato (depending upon crop, see label). Basil, leafy and vegetable transplants grown in enclosed greenhouses with permanent flooring, for resale to consumers.  Contact, protectant, and translaminar fungicide.


(Subdue Maxx), REI 0/48h, Group 4

Damping-off (Pythium spp.), crown rot (Phytophthora spp.,) and brassica downy mildew (depending upon crop).  Brassicas, bulbs, cucurbits, fruiting and leafy vegetable transplants grown for retail sale to consumers.  Systemic fungicide for listed vegetable transplants.

mineral oil 

(SuffOil XOG), REI 4h 

Powdery mildew.  Cucumber, eggplant, melon, pepper, pumpkin, squash, and tomato transplants.  Contact fungicide. See label for plant safety information.

pentachloronitrobenzene (PCNB), (Terraclor 400)
REI 12h, Group 14

Root and stem rot, damping-off (Rhizoctonia solani, Pellicularia filamentosa). Limited to vegetable bedding plants: broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, pepper, and tomato.

Protectant, contact fungicide. Apply as a soil drench.

phosphorous acid

(Fosphite) REI 4h, Group P07

Anthracnose, bacterial leaf spot, downy mildew, powdery mildew, root rots (Phytophthora, Pythium, Fusarium, and Rhizoctonia).  Brassica, cucurbit, and leafy vegetable transplants.  Systemic fungicide. See label for plant safety information.
phosphorous acid & hydrogen peroxide (OxiPhos), REI 4h  Downy mildew, powdery mildew, black rot (brassica crops), fungal and bacterial leaf spots and blights (depending upon crops, see label).  Bulb, brassica, cucurbit, and fruiting and leafy vegetable transplants.  Strong oxidizing agent. Do not use at higher than labeled rates as leaf burn may result. 

polyoxin D zinc salt
(Affirm WDG), REI 4h, Group P07

Cucurbit vegetables: Powdery mildew, Botrytis, Corynespora leaf spot, early blight.

Fruiting vegetables: powdery mildew, Botrytis, early blight, suppression of anthracnose.

Cucurbit vegetables, fruiting vegetables (eggplant, pepper, tomato) transplants.  Preventative and curative fungicide. Active ingredient (polyoxin) is a natural antibiotic and fermentation product of a soil bacterium. Not for agricultural field use. 

potassium bicarbonate
(Milstop SP OG) REI 1h,
(KaligreenOG) REI 4h, Group NC

Powdery mildew and others (see label for more information).

Broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cantaloupe, cauliflower, celery, cucumber, eggplant, lettuce, onion, okra, pepper, tomato, and squash transplants. Contact foliar fungicides with eradicant activity. Thorough coverage is essential. Potassium bicarbonate disrupts the potassium ion balance in the fungus cell, causing the cell walls to collapse.

propamocarb hydrochloride HCl
(Previcur Flex) REI 12h, Group 28

Root rot and damping-off (Pythium, Phytophthora). Tomatoes, cucurbits, peppers, greenhouse leaf lettuce. Systemic fungicide. Apply in the evening. Phytotoxicity may occur if applied directly to dry growing media, especially in intense sunlight.

(Scala SC) REI 12h, Group 9

Gray mold (Botrytis), early blight (Alternaria). Tomato transplants.  Preventative fungicide. Apply only in well-ventilated greenhouses and ventilate for at least 2 hours after application. Phytotoxicity may occur in unventilated greenhouses with relative humidity above 80%.

Reynoutria sachalinensis extract
(Regalia GCOG) REI 4h, Group P05

Powdery mildew, downy mildew, bacterial leaf spot, early & late blight, Alternaria leaf spot, Botrytis blight, damping-off (Pythium, Rhizoctonia, Phytophthora) (depending upon crop, see label). Bulb, cucurbit, fruiting, leafy brassica and leafy vegetable transplants.  Preventive, biological fungicide with translaminar activity. Plant activator. Formulation of an extract from giant knotweed. Use preventatively to increase the natural defense system of plants.

Streptomyces griseoviridis K 61 (MycostopOG), REI 4h, Group BM02

Alternaria, Botrytis blight (suppression), damping-off and root rots (suppression) (Fusarium, Phytophthora, Pythium, Rhizoctonia).

Many vegetables transplants. Do not treat melon seeds.  Preventative biological fungicide. Contains a beneficial bacterium. Repeat applications may be needed. Apply as a seed treatment, soil spray or drench.

Streptomyces lydicus WYEC 108 (Actinovate AGOG) REI 4h

Suppression of root rots (Fusarium, Rhizoctonia, Pythium, Phytophthora), and foliar diseases (downy mildew, powdery mildew, Botrytis). Brassica, bulb, cucurbit, and fruiting and leafy vegetable transplants.  Preventative biological fungicide for suppression of root rot diseases and foliar pathogens. 

streptomycin sulfate
(Agri-mycin 50) REI 12h, Group 25

Bacterial spot and speck. Tomatoes and pepper transplants. Xylem mobile fungicide. Repeated applications can result in resistant bacteria.

(Microthiol DisperssOG) REI 24h, Group M02

Powdery mildew. Many vegetables.  Contact fungicide. Crops grown in greenhouses may be more sensitive to sulfur injury, so the lowest label rate should be tried initially. Do not use within two weeks of an oil spray treatment.

Swinglea glutinosa extract

(EcoSwing)OG REI 4h, Group BM01

Botrytis blight, powdery mildew, basil downy mildew. Bulb, brassica, cucurbit, and fruiting, and leafy vegetables.  Preventive biological fungicide. Activates ISR (induced systemic resistance). Thorough coverage is needed. 

thiophanate methyl

(3336 F, 3336 EG), REI 12h, Group 1 

Anthracnose, Botrytis blight, powdery mildew, and others depending upon crop, see label.  Cucurbits and bean transplants.  Xylem mobile systemic fungicide. Resistant populations of Botrytis are common in the greenhouse. Not for field vegetable production. 
thyme oil (Guarda) REI 0h, Group NC Botrytis, downy mildew, powdery mildew, fungal and bacterial leaf spots and blights, damping-off (Pythium, Fusarium, Phytophthora, and Rhizoctonia). Bulb, brassica, and cucurbit crops, and fruiting, and leafy vegetables.  Stabilized thyme oil extract. Contact fungicide that disrupts cell membranes with some translaminar activity. Repeated applications needed. 
Trichoderma asperellum (ICC 012) & Trichoderma gamsii (ICC 080)
(Bio-Tam 2.0 OG ), (ObtegoOG) REI 4h, Group BM02
Root rots (Fusarium, Phytophthora, Pythium, Rhizoctonia, and Thielaviopsis). Cucurbit, fruiting, and leafy vegetable transplants.  Preventative biological fungicides. 

Trichoderma harzianum T-22 
(RootShield GranulesOG), REI 4h, Group BM02

Root rots (Pythium, Rhizoctonia, Fusarium, and Thielaviopsis).

Bulb, cucurbit, fruiting, leafy and brassica leafy vegetable transplants. 

Preventative biological fungicide that can be incorporated into greenhouse planting mix.

Trichoderm harzianum T-22 (RootShield WPOG) REI 4h, Group BM02

Root rots (Pythium, Rhizoctonia, Fusarium and Thielaviopsis). Brassica leafy vegetables, bulb, cucurbit and fruiting vegetable transplants.  Preventive biological fungicide. Apply as a soil drench only.

Trichoderma harzianum T-22 &
Trichoderma virens G-41
(RootShield Plus WPOG,
RootShield Plus GOG) REI 4h

Group BM02

Root rots (Pythium, Phytophthora, Rhizoctonia, Fusarium, and Thielaviopsis). Bulb, cucurbit, fruiting, leafy and brassica leafy vegetable transplants. 
Preventative biological fungicide. Apply as a soil drench (RootShield Plus WP) or incorporate into greenhouse planting mix (RootShield Plus Granules). 
triflumizole (Trionic 4SC, Terraquard SC), REI 12h, Group 3 Powdery mildew.  Cucumber and tomato transplants. Protective fungicides with curative action. 

Ulocladium oudemansii U3 

(BotryStopOG), REI 4h, Group BM02

Botrytis and Sclerotinia Bulb, cucurbit, leafy, and fruiting vegetable transplants.  Preventive biological fungicide. Thorough coverage needed. 

The symbol OG indicates a pesticide is listed by the Organic Materials Review Institute (OMRI) as approved for use in certified organic production.

See product label for rates, application instructions, crops and other information. This information is supplied with the understanding that no discrimination is intended and no endorsement implied. Due to constantly changing regulations, we assume no liability for suggestions. If any information in these tables is inconsistent with the label, follow the label.